PHILIPPINE NATIONAL ID will be pushed amidst COVID crisis. Malacañang sees that the ID system could have help speed up the government cash aid distribution.
A month after the Senate approves the budget still we are slowpoke in the distribution of the cash assistance. The National ID System critics addressed before that this action of the government would pose threat to the country's privacy and infringe on peoples privacy rights.
For me, it is clearly for selfish reasons of the leftist group to block Duterte's regime of its legislative priority agenda to improve the delivery of government services. But for what damn reasons? For detection, or identification of the leftist communities? Who in so many case rooted from the greedy politicians who only wants to destabilize the country and disorient the Filipinos thinking towards the administration.
On the larger scale, this will be made applicable to the current situation of the country today. The global pandemic are now testing the country's readiness. And to be honest we are not, because we have lots of selfish legislators. Now we need that ID system for faster traceability and distribution of cash aids. But according to NEDA, only 5M will be able to register this year. And targeted to finish all Filipinos on 2022.
Better late than never.
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If you are sick and think you have symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical attention, call the local Coronavirus Health Information Line for advice: 0922-397-2334 / 0943-568-3298 / (032) 402-3091 / (032) 402-1269.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Information indicated in this post are accurate from the time of writing but may change without prior notice.
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